Suspended from the ceiling, an immersive installation entitled “Floating Flower Garden; Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One” was unveiled over the summer that is made up of over 13,000 living orchids.

Patience. Understanding. Tranquility. This is what Tokyo-based “ultra-technologists” teamLab wants visitors to experience when they enter its new installation.

When one comes closer to the curtain of orchids, however, that’s when teamLab’s signature magic begins to really take shape. Triggered by sensors, the flowers slowly start to rise up.

“We are using real living orchids, but behind them are so many technologies,” explains Takeshi Kudo, communications director at teamLab.

While the artwork appears completely overrun with flowers, as they float up they create new spaces for visitors to explore. Because of this, people are able to freely wander around the installation, albeit at a pace dictated by the flowers themselves.

“The garden starts to make space for humans… But they are moving super slowly, so you have to adjust your time to the garden’s,” explains Kudo.

For Kudo and the teamLab collective, which comprises artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects, orchids were the perfect flower for the exhibition. Evolved to grow without soil, they symbolize resilience and adaptability that the art collective hopes to explore through the artwork.

“Floating Flower Garden; Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One” is on show at teamLab Planets, a Tokyo museum featuring nine absorbing works that encourage visitors to become one with the art. It will remain open until the end of 2022.

Source: Agencies