A letter written by a World War II soldier to his mother has been finally delivered 76 years later. USPS discovered the note written by the late Johnny Gonsalves, which was then sent to his widow during the holiday season.
Johnny, who died in 2015, aged 92, served in the US Army as a 22-year-old sergeant stationed in Germany.
The letter was dated December 6, 1945 — three months after the war had ended.
It read, “Dear, Mom. Received another letter from you today and was happy to hear that everything is okay. As for myself, I’m fine and getting along okay. But as far as the food it’s pretty lousy most of the time. Give my love to the family in regards to all. Take care, love and kisses your son Johnny. I’ll be seeing you soon I hope.”
The letter ended up with Angelina Gonsalves, his wife of 61 years, who shared the images.
After receiving the letter, she said, “I loved him dearly and he was quite a guy. I still feel his presence, I do.”
She called USPS and thanked them for finding her husband’s letter.
Angelina added, “I love it. I love it. When I think it’s all his words, I can’t believe it, it’s wonderful. And I feel like I have him here with me, you know?”
The couple got married in 1953 after Johnny returned from the war. They had five sons together.
She admitted, “We were good together. I had a good life, I did. It was wonderful.”
After his return, Johnny worked his way up in the electrical engineering field and graduated from Northeastern University.
He worked for Sylvania for over 30 years.
Later in 1973, the late soldier was part of the fibre optics team, which was introduced at the Super Bowl and according to his obituary was ‘the very beginning of optics which John had shared in the development of.’
Source: Agencies