Elon Musk’s claims on Twitter was that it was ‘traffic forever, or tunnels,’ which he decided to re-invent in the tunnel to solve vehicle congestion. However, things have taken a turn, when his own tunnel creation has failed to solve the problem.
Recent footage has gone viral showing a traffic jam in the Tesla CEO’s underground tunnel in Las Vegas, during a major industry event.
For obvious pandemic-related reasons, the event which wrapped up earlier than planned wasn’t as populated as it usually is.
So one would imagine there would be much traffic or congestion at all compared to if it was brimming with capacity, well not quite.
The viral video shows backed-up traffic that left people astonished, given that’s kind of the exact opposite result to what Musk’s claims.
The tunnel from the video is called The Loop and is an underground tunnel around 40 feet deep that runs from near the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall to the South Hall and back built by Musk’s Company.
People enter Teslas at ‘stations’, and are then driven by a human through the tunnel to a drop-off point — surprisingly enough there’s no automated driving here yet.
The tunnel is said to fit 70 cars, but the supposedly the reason for the traffic jam was because there were 90 cars in at times due to ‘driver error.’
And people were quick to take to social media to share videos of their high-tech traffic jam experiences.
In a report, it is said there are issues in the tunnel, ‘drivers, who the Boring Company employs, are trained to continue to the nearest station. If there is a blockage, drivers are trained to reverse out of the tunnel.’
Perhaps Musk’s got all of this sorted then.
Source: Agencies