Close encounters in the middle of the ocean aren’t new, but it is quite the visual. One such recent incident found a paddleboarder side by side a giant southern right whale in Argentina’s Golfo Nuevo. The encounter was caught on camera at Puerto Madryn when the curious whale lightly nudged the woman on the paddleboard to push her forward. After the push, the giant whale is seen swimming directly beneath it. 

The photographer @maxijonas tweeted the video with the caption “I think today I made the best whale drone video of my life.” 

The clip has garnered over 2 million views, with many commenting on the friendly whale. While others said that the paddleboarder was quite lucky as she was left unharmed by the sea mammal.

One user wrote “I don’t know whether I’d be paralyzed with fear or mesmerized with awe!” while another commented, “Love that little, gentle nudge from the whale. What a remarkable encounter!”

Have you have any such close encounters, comment below and share your story with us.