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Doctor finds human finger inside Cone Ice-Cream ordered online in Mumbai

Fri 14 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

You might have heard of finger chips. But finger ice cream? When a resident Orlem Brendan Serrao (27) ordered a cone ice cream on Wednesday through an online delivery app little did he realise that he would be in for a big shock.

He opened the lid of the Yummo butterscotch cone and started slurping the ice-cream when something hard hit his tongue. He pulled it out and discovered it was a piece of a human finger about 2 cm long. Serrao should know what he is talking about because he is an MBBS doctor.

He told our partner news agency, FPJ, that in the morning his sister was ordering groceries through the online delivery app when he asked her to include three butterscotch cone ice creams to the list. When the ice-cream was delivered he opened a cone to enjoy it only to discover a piece of finger. He has informed the Malad police about the incident.

A senior police official said the finger piece will be sent to the forensic laboratory. The place where the ice cream is manufactured and packed will also be searched. “We have taken it up seriously,” he added.

The ice cream manufacturer did not respond to calls and emails.

(This article is published under a mutual content partnership arrangement between The Brew News and The Free Press Journal)

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