DUBAI: Charismatic Welsh fashion designer Julien Macdonald OBE delighted fashion aficionados from across the globe by participating in ‘In the Future, What Will We Wear?’, a series of talks, exhibitions, interactive digital displays, workshops, performances, and experiences at the UK Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Macdonald’s dresses have been worn by celebrities including Kylie Minogue, Beyoncé, and Jennifer Lopez, but his unique brand of glamour means that every one of his customers feels like a superstar  – a quality that has kept the designer relevant and an important voice in a sometimes-volatile industry.

“Are we ready yet? I have people I need to dress – Madonna is waiting outside for me!” Macdonald joked with a cheeky grin.

Macdonald was in his element at the innovation-focused fashion showcase, praising new ideas brought in from around the world. He believes that fashion is about innovation and maintains that the UK is at the forefront of this.

Julien Macdonald said: “British fashion is new; it’s ever-changeable. The UK is where people go to see fashion trends. Fashion is created by great fashion designers like myself and interpreted by the rest of the world.”

Tapping into some of the challenges raised during recent editions of London Fashion Week, Macdonald said that fashion is all about being aware, “It’s about being conscious of the things around us, and the choices we make when buying or wearing clothes. Are they green? Are they sustainable? We’re delving into how clothing can change our lives in a positive way. I think the future of fashion is about young people doing exciting things and interpreting things from the past to seize the things of the future to reinterpret them into a new, fashionable substance. Young people are so enthusiastic about creating a green world; they possess a genuine desire to know exactly the route a fabric had to take to come into existence. Think before you buy it: do you really need another jacket? Or a new pair of shoes? Can you recycle old clothes and make them look new again? Be conscious about your choices, buy sparingly and only when it’s something that changes the way you feel about yourself – and the people around you.”

Saluting the platform Expo 2020 is providing for driving discussions that challenge the future, Macdonald said that the best way to change the fashion industry – and people’s perception of fashion – is by keeping it exciting.

He said, “Show newness, cutting-edge design, colour, and inspiration. But most of all, actually show people that clothing can be fun, and it doesn’t have to be full of all the politics associated with it. Enjoy fashion just as much as the fashion designers and all the people associated with fashion do.”

‘In the Future, What Will We Wear?’ continues at the UK Pavilion until October 27.