Ever wonder what those green and yellow tiles are all over your social media feeds? Worry no more, it’s Wordle, a new no-frills word game that has intrigued the internet.
Think of it as Mastermind, but with words rather than coloured pegs, or a mini crossword but without clues. It’s simple, you start by choosing any five-letter word and typing it out into the grid. If it is incorrect the letter pops up in grey. The correct letters turn yellow, and if the letter is also in the right spot then it turns green. The users have six tries to guess the word — that’s it — the fewer tries, the better.
With all chaos of the world, a simple word game may be just what the internet needs.
Even the story behind the game is intriguing. It was created by software engineer Josh Wardle for his partner, who is in love with word games. Wardle — yes, even the game’s name is a play on words — eventually took his side project to the public after its popularity on a family group chat. It has grown from 90 players to 300,000.
“It’s something that encourages you to spend three minutes a day. It doesn’t want any more of your time than that,” he said.
The game, a simple enough combination of logic is blowing up on social media as well as group chats alike as Wardle allows users to copy and paste their coloured squares without giving away the word of the day. Several people post their scores every day, revealing how many, or how few, tries it took them to solve the puzzle and in what order.
For many, it’s become part of their daily routine. Wardle posts a new game every 24 hours on a website he created. There are no frills. Also, no pop-up ads, no pesky login information, no cash grabs.
“I don’t understand why something can’t just be fun. I don’t have to charge people money for this and ideally would like to keep it that way,” Wardle said.
Source: Agencies