• The Indian Academy School conducting an open dialogue to address mental health

Dubai: Children’s Mental Health Week 2022 runs from February 1st – 7th every year. In this regard, The Indian Academy (TIA) is running an initiative ‘Happy You’ to put a spotlight on the importance of children’s mental health. According to UNICEF, more than 1 in 7 adolescents aged 10–19 is estimated to live with a diagnosed mental disorder globally – and are feeling the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health and well-being. TIA wants to address a range of issues that are affecting students today; including peer pressure, cyber-bullying, feelings of inadequacy, academic pressure, impact of social media and the pandemic among others.

All its teachers are addressing several of these issues by having an open dialogue, showing easy-to-understand videos and inviting experts to show support and promote good mental health during this week.

“We believe that with prevention and early intervention, we can address several issues affecting these young minds and show them they have the support they need,” said Susan Varghese, Principal. “Creating a positive mental health culture is of paramount importance in all our schools and is just as important as academic learning. When students feel safe, respected and listened to, they are better able to learn, engage positively with their education and make better choices – which will help create a more resilient community when they leave their school as young adults.”

“I was pleased to see the box placed in the corridor that asked us to submit our concerns. Most of the week was spent focusing on the junior grades, and giving them shortened classes, extra activities, and more sports sessions to get them feeling lively,” said Meenakshi Satish, student of grade 11. “If I could help out, I would volunteer to advise students, and perhaps encourage the psychology students and the psychology department to reach out as well.”

“In addition to the commendable work that the school is doing to promote mental health, I would love it if the school gave us mental activities to lessen the stress we might have, and lower the pressure of our work,” added her classmate, Nesyan Peter. “And moving forward, I believe it would benefit many students if such activities are continued throughout the year, and the students are given more opportunities to improve their mental health and well-being.”

The awareness week (also in line with the National Strategy for Wellbeing 2031) helps teachers and staff to have a positive conversation, identify students who need mental health support, and those children who need specialist help, get this as soon as possible.

-Updated on February 6 with contributions from Zoya Siddiqui

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