In what has been dubbed as ‘the world’s loneliest house’ lies a small hidden home located rather randomly in the middle of some Italian mountains.

The Buffa di Perrero on Monte Cristallo in the Dolomite Mountains has baffled people for decades.

Lodged into the side of a rock, the home overlooks a deadly drop and is made of bricks walls, four frames, and a set of camping chairs.

Well, climbers are able to get access via a pretty risky mountain trail or even a rope ladder, if you’re feeling extra adventurous/completely off your head.

However, it must be noted that only those with ‘a high level of fitness’ are advised to make the long walk up.

The cabin is believed to have been built over 100 years ago by Italian soldiers during WWI.

They allegedly created the spot to gain a strategic advantage over forces approaching the area.

A number of these small houses were built back in the day and were constructed in the Italian Front of global conflict.

The mass shootings of heavily armed artillery used to cause major avalanches back in the day.

Most famously ‘White Friday’ was the name dubbed to December 1916 incident at Mount Marmolada where 270 Austro-Hungarian soldiers were killed.

Notably, the severe weather conditions has meant that the hut had sadly been rendered “unusable” for climbers after the roof gave way.

Despite being unable to be used as a stay-cation, the views from the Italian mountain range are still incredible.

Source: Agencies