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5 Guinness World Records set on International Yoga Day

Sat 22 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

On International Yoga Day 2024,  Akshar Yoga Kendraa successfully set 5 New Guinness World Records by holding 5 distinct yogasanas.

Bengaluru: History was made today at Tripura Vasini, Palace Grounds, Bengaluru under the visionary leadership of Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, as Akshar Yoga Kendraa successfully set 5 New Guinness World Records by holding 5 distinct yogasanas. The details of the asanas that set the records are as follows:

Sl. NoName of the AsanaHolding Time for PostureNo. of Participants
1Naukasana | Boat Pose1 minute hold382
2Kaundinyasana | Sage Kaundinya Pose30 seconds hold352
3Chakrasana | Wheel Pose2 minutes hold390
4Natrajasana | Lord Shiva Pose1 minute hold595
5Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutation5 minutes of flow1372

The attempt was made for 7 Guinness World Records out of which 5 have been achieved and 2 are under review.

Yoga, the ancient practice rooted in India, has been a beacon of health and spiritual wellness for millennia. International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness about the myriad benefits of yoga, encouraging people worldwide to embrace this practice as a path to better health and inner peace. The global participation underscores yoga’s universal appeal and its ability to bridge cultural and geographical divides.

The 10th edition of International Yoga Day, under the visionary leadership of Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, highlighted yoga’s transformative power and showcased the physical and mental discipline cultivated through dedicated yoga practice.

Akshar Yoga Kendraa is dedicated to fostering physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth through its comprehensive yoga programs, regularly holding Fitness camps, Mudra workshops, and Meditation sessions. These activities aim to demonstrate the diverse benefits of yoga and encourage its incorporation into daily life.

According to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, “Yoga is an integral part of the body, mind, and spirit. It unites these elements and serves as a precious gift for humanity. This remarkable event is truly a blessing for people, inspiring them to embrace the practice of yoga. It sends a powerful message worldwide, making everyone realize the profound significance of yoga and its benefits. Moreover, this achievement highlights our country’s rich cultural heritage and reinforces India’s position as a global leader in promoting holistic health and spiritual well-being.”

Over 5000 people from 50 nations practiced yoga to mark the day

Swapnil Dangarikar and Rishi Nath, Senior Adjudicators, Guinness World Records, confirmed that five records were successfully claimed. Swapnil Dangarikar said, “I am delighted to say that Team Akshar Yoga Kendraa has successfully set 5 new Guinness World Record titles. I don’t think I have given these many certificates on a single day. Congratulations to all of you. This makes you Officially Amazing.”

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