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What will be the Jobs of the Future? Workshops at Museum of the Future show whats coming

Fri 28 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

Dubai: On June 30th, 2024, the Museum of the Future will host two engaging workshops focused on ‘Jobs of the Future’, specifically within the sustainability sector. These workshops aim to illuminate upcoming career opportunities and provide practical insights.

Partnering with the ‘School of Humanity’, the Museum offers a program designed by experts to guide participants through the evolving landscape of sustainable careers. The workshops spotlight careers such as AgriTech specialists and sustainability consultants, offering hands-on experiences to simulate future job responsibilities.

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Workshop 1: Mastering the Skills of a Sustainable Consultant
From 10:00 to 12:00, Sustainability Consultant Saasha Gulamani will lead a workshop addressing the urgent challenges of climate change. Participants will delve into the causes and impacts of climate change, understanding the crucial role of sustainability consultants in guiding organizations toward environmentally responsible practices. The session includes practical simulations based on real-world case studies to enhance participant skills.

Workshop 2: Unveiling the Future Role of an AgriTech Specialist
From 13:30 to 14:30, the focus shifts to AgriTech specialists and their pivotal role in enhancing global food security through innovative agricultural technologies like vertical and indoor farming. Participants will explore these technologies and their potential impact on future food supplies. The workshop culminates in a mini-hackathon where participants tackle a food security challenge specific to the UAE, offering a practical glimpse into the responsibilities of AgriTech specialists.

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These workshops at the Museum of the Future provide a unique opportunity for attendees to discover and prepare for future careers in sustainability. By engaging in practical activities and learning from industry experts, participants gain valuable insights into emerging fields crucial for addressing global challenges like climate change and food security.

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