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How drinking coffee reduces health risks caused from sitting for long periods

Thu 27 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

Sitting around a lot can really mess with your health in the long run, but here’s a fun twist: drinking coffee might actually help reduce those risks, according to a new study.

Researchers from Soochow University looked at over 10,000 folks in the US and found that people who drank coffee daily were less likely to kick the bucket from any cause if they spent six hours or more a day on their behinds. Compared to non-coffee drinkers who logged similar sit-time, coffee lovers were about 1.58 times less likely to pass away during the study’s 13-year stretch.

This study is the first of its kind to dive into how coffee might balance out the downsides of too much sitting, like heart issues or diabetes. It turns out, even regular exercise might not fully shield you from these risks, according to the researchers.

Folks who sat for more than eight hours a day faced higher chances of kicking the bucket, especially from heart problems, compared to those who sat less. But get this—those who sipped on coffee had lower risks of dying overall, no matter how much coffee they chugged. And those who gulped down more than two and a half cups a day had the lowest risks of all.

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Now, why coffee does this magic isn’t totally clear, but past research hints that it might help ward off diabetes and heart disease. Even decaf coffee has antioxidants that rev up your metabolism and tone down inflammation.

Of course, we need more research to nail down exactly how coffee does its thing and how much is just right for these health perks. But for now, it looks like adding coffee to your daily routine could be a chill way to help offset the health risks of being a couch potato.

This study showing coffee could be an easy-peasy way to boost your health if you’re stuck sitting around a lot.

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