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Feeling Burnt Out? 5 ways to prevent over exhaustion at work

Thu 27 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

Every Individual comes across a point in their life where they feel that their work is exhausting them. They are left with a feeling of being over-worked, not credited for and at loss of confidence. It is important to understand this feeling and give yourself the required break before you reach the brim and burn out. You can feel burnt out at work due to various reasons.

If you are consistently working hard and for longer hours than you are supposed to, it can get overwhelming and it will also affect the quality of your work. Along with this, if you do not give yourself enough time to rewind and relax, you will definitely exert yourself and lead yourself to a serious health issue. According to Ayala Pines and Elliot Aronson, Burnt out is “A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long term involvement in emotionally demanding situations.”

Here are the ways you can prevent getting burnt out.

Work With A Goal

Spend some time with yourself and ask yourself if you’re doing to job just for the paycheck or do you truly enjoy doing what you do? It is easier to keep going and be motivated if you like what you do at work. Else, it keeps on getting a series of disappointment within yourself. If you think that you’re on a wrong career path, strategize the right on and keep going.

Perform a Self Analysis

Have a look at your KRA’s (Key responsibility Area). If you find yourself working beyond your KRA’s, know that the stress can lead you to over get burnt out. If you feel like you’re being over-worked, you let your boss know. Have a private meeting and let your boss know that the extra work is leading you exhaustion.

Exercise Regularly

A little body movement is always the solution to the smallest of your problems. Exercising makes you release endorphins (happy hormones) which can make you feel refreshed and minimise your stress.

Perform Acts Of kindness

When you make someone smile or help them out in a certain way, it makes you feel good about yourself. These small acts of kindness can help you re-energise and also help you de-stress.

Meditate Meditate Meditate

It is human tendency to wander off to places and situations in our mind that have either passed or are about to come. Dwelling in your thoughts is only going to lead to procrastination. It is important to understand the importance of living in present and meditation can help with it. Practice meditation every single day and it will be a game changer for you. It will leave you feeling peaceful and content within yourself.

(This article is published under a mutual content partnership arrangement between The Brew News and The Free Press Journal)

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