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MBRSC completes phase 2 of UAE Analog Programme’s second analog study

Wed 26 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | 2 min read

Dubai: The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) has announced the successful completion of phase 2 of their second analog study under the UAE Analog Programme, conducted in collaboration with NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) Campaign 7 Mission 2. Emirati crew member Shareef AlRomaithi, along with fellow astronauts Jason Lee, Stephanie Navarro, and Piyumi Wijesekara, concluded their 45-day mission at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, USA.

Starting on 11 May 2024, the mission simulated space-like conditions on Earth to study how astronauts cope with isolation, confinement, and communication delays typical of long space missions. The HERA facility, spanning three stories, provided the setting for tasks like virtual reality Mars walks and managing communication challenges with Mission Control Center, mimicking conditions expected near Mars.

After leaving the facility at 2:20 AM UAE time on Tuesday, the crew will spend the next seven days at Johnson Space Center for post-mission surveys and discussions with HERA managers and scientists. Their participation contributes crucial data on crew dynamics and health for ongoing studies.

H.E. Salem Humaid AlMarri, Director General of MBRSC, highlighted the mission’s importance in advancing human space exploration strategies. He emphasized the UAE’s commitment to pioneering scientific research through collaborations with NASA and local universities, bolstering the nation’s role in space technology.

Adnan AlRais, Assistant Director General of MBRSC’s Space Operations and Exploration Sector, stressed the study’s role in enriching spaceflight research and preparing for future missions to the Moon and Mars. Insights gained will enhance astronaut safety and mission success.

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Shareef AlRomaithi shared his experience, noting the challenges and rewards of the study. He expressed pride in representing the UAE and contributing to crucial research that will benefit future space explorations.

The UAE Analog Programme’s second study phase is part of a broader effort including 18 studies focused on human health in space-like conditions. Six of these studies involve UAE universities, further solidifying the UAE’s global space exploration contributions.

AlRomaithi and his fellow crew members are among the volunteers participating in HERA studies this year. Future study phases are scheduled for August and November 2024, continuing to build knowledge critical for future human space missions.

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