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UAE champions regional greener future leading to World Environment Day

Wed 05 Jun 2024    
The Brew News Team | < 1 min read

Abu Dhabi: As “World Environment Day” is celebrated today, June 5, themed “Our Land. Our Future. The hashtag #GenerationRestoration”, is promoted for UAE’s focus on land restoration, desertification combat, and drought resilience is pronounced.

The UAE stands as a regional leader in fighting desertification, evident through proactive measures and solutions fostering green spaces and protected areas. With 49 natural reserves, spanning over 13,069.8 square kilometers, the country showcases a commitment to environmental preservation.

Over five decades, the UAE implemented various strategies like the National Biodiversity Strategy, the National Strategy to Combat Desertification 2022-2023, and initiatives like the Blue Carbon Project and “Our Palms” Initiative. These efforts, including support for organic agriculture and farm expansion, resulted in transforming vast desert lands into flourishing green spaces and farms.

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The construction of dams facilitated irrigation for forests and agriculture. Research centers and experimental stations aid in combating desertification and monitoring climate change. The UAE pioneers artificial rain technology, enhancing water resources and reducing climate change impacts.

Employing drones for agricultural surveys and planting millions of local tree seeds across the nation further amplifies restoration efforts. Committing to plant 100 million mangrove seedlings by 2030 strengthens soil protection and climate resilience.

Internationally, the UAE’s participation in agreements like the UN Convention to Combat Desertification demonstrates its global commitment. Joining the International Drought Resilience Alliance and hosting COP28 underscore its dedication to combating climate change impacts.

Through foreign aid, the UAE supports global desertification combat and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. COP28, hosted in 2023, facilitated global collaboration in addressing climate change impacts, prominently desertification and drought.

On this World Environment Day, let us pledge to work for a greener future.

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