Easy recall for speeches, presentations, scripts and proverbs – Part 2

Related article: Master Memorization: Easy recall for Speeches, Presentations, Scripts, and Proverbs – Part I

Continuing with part 1 of the article of how to remember speeches, presentations, scripts and proverbs one can also use MIND MAPS to remember speeches, write-ups, scripts and proverbs. MIND MAPS is very vital and helps an individual better understand the connections and transitions between points, as our brains are able to form associations between ideas and a Mind Map’s visual elements. MIND MAPS also imprints the shape of the Mind Map in your brain shapes are much easier to remember than traditional notes or a long list of words. MIND MAPS can be truly useful for memorizing boring or dry information by transforming it into colorful shapes and drawings. As the late USA Health Secretary John W. Gardner had correctly said: “Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.”

A very important tip to remember is to read the information loudly. This happens because the reader is engaging in two personal acts; using their motor speech skills and self-referential information. When information gets personal, it automatically becomes easier to remember.

Rehearsing out loud is also a great way to make sense of your presentation content. The thing a person wants to learn may seem logical and clear in our minds, but when we say those out loudly, the concepts are all over the place.

10 Useful Tips to remember a presentation are:

  1. Write it down.
  2. Practice your speech with the script you wrote.
  3. Link the speech paragraphs; learning by heart doesn’t help that much.
  4. See the speech’s big parts first; and then see the smaller parts.
  5. Make Bullet points; they can make things easier.
  6. REHEARSE as many times as you can and become familiar with the presentation.
  7. Be sure of all facts and figures you quote; do proper research and cross check.
  8. Try to practice before the mirror; it really helps immensely.
  9. Remember the 666 Rule; 6 words per bullet, 6 bullets per image, 6 word slides in a row.
  10. Don’t get disheartened when you make mistakes; learn from them and make a Great Presentation. As it is rightly said: “a mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.”

A person doesn’t need to write everything down. Focus on jotting down the headings of the different sections, and short bullets of what you’re going to talk about under each section.  This will help you focus on memorizing the important information first. You’ll also be able to allocate the right amount of time to each point.

A person can also make a video of self presenting. Not only can this be used for memorization, but can also help in improving the body language during the presentation.

One can also go for a brisk walk, sincerely practice yoga, do jogging, play a physical sport and do anything that gets your heart pumping as exercise enhances memory function ability.

Also a successful way to memorize the presentation is to use the 20-20-20 rule of rehearsal. Reviewing your presentation material for 20 minutes, and then repeating it twice for 20 minutes each will help you remember the content better. Also, if the subject is not repeated within 30-40 minutes, it is not a part of your long-term memory.

Also read: Does visualization help to enhance your memory?


About the writer: Minoo Jokhi is a Mathemagician cum Memory Development Trainer based in Mumbai, India. He trains people of all ages right from 4 to 80 years of age and shows them how to increase their Memory-Power and once and for all shatter the myth that memory is neither good nor bad but in reality, is trained or untrained. Readers can contact him via email at [email protected] or follow him at http://www.minoojokhi.in/

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